Thursday, April 20, 2006

Maa Buh Cornelius

Allo !

Exciting times for Sister Rose. Wednesday (pronounced Wed Nez Dey) I had my I don’t know the exact tradition, but the stone is a red rock that has been used for hundreds of years, is pounded by the highest ranking queens on one special rock in the palace and is kept inside the temple of the Fondom… a very secret and sacred place.

During the smearing, the Fon tells the people present the new name of the individual. After the smearing takes place, palm wine is poured into the Fon’s own cut (an inverted, hollow cattle horn). He takes a drink, then pours the wine into the ritee’s hands, who is supposed to drink every drop. Then the initiated individual can stand and greet the Fon for the first time. In celebration, a special hollar is used… something like…


Turns out, this is exactly what happened for me, except that I was the only person receiving rites (usually a big group). He explained the reason for my name, saying that my noble mission of fighting poverty and bringing new knowledge to my community was worthy of such a title. So, no longer Kelsey Rose, I am now Maa Be (pronounced Mah Buh), meaning Queen Mother of the People. Great pictures… loved being under the hand of one of the most powerful individuals in the Northwest and it was great that most of my friends could be there.

The Mamfor (Queen Mother) and I before I did the rites.

The newest queen's (Marie) daughter, Princess Violet... right before the rites.

Singing right after I greeted for the first time.

Oww oww... royal touch.


Beatrice and I post rites.

Drinking from the Fon's cup.

Running to greet a bunch of old ladies after the rites.

Having the special rock smeared on me by the Fon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spotted on another PCV blog

"One of the PCVs in Bafut had bought herself a traditional title and was given a Bafut name, Mabo (Mabeh? Mabuh? still not clear on how to say this."

9:25 PM  

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