Saturday, April 29, 2006

Black Vampire

After Reese and I had been "devoured"... it's either that or they drink you're blood and you're "initiated"... but they are almost finished with the movie, so they just wanted to kill us.

Reese and vampire that spit blood in his ear.

The entire "Black Vampire" cast and crew.

With two of the seven "black vampires"... the one in the front called herself "The Bride"...

Interesting few days in Bamenda. Staying at the Ayaba hotel… the upscale spot in town. They have air conditioning, elevators… other amenities previously thought unattainable in the NW. I got them to lower their rate for we Peace Corps and I think I have found a new addiction in Africa.

Yesterday evening, while having a set menu meal in their dining room, we encountered several whorish looking women heading out to the pool. They had fangs. A flood light was set up, noticed a camera and a lot of hub bub. Turns out, the hotel was providing a venue for the shooting of “Black Vampire,” one of those awful African movie productions. A guy we had met the night before introduced us to the director, and I suggested that we should be cast in the movie (with my experience as a nun in the Sound of Music, I thought actress in vampire flick would be apropos). They were really happy to slay a couple of Americans speaking simple English.

Pictures should say it all… we were “devoured” by vampires on the floor of the clubhouse after being hypnotized and drawn in by their special powers. Fake blood all over my new Michigan State sweatshirt (that I bought in the market behind Commercial Avenue in Bamenda, by the way). We have a few lines (I call Reese a woman). Should be out in a couple of months… we might be on the movie posters and plan to provide all with copies.

SO funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that fake blood comes out of your "new" sweatshirt! Use that soap Grandma sent you! Your brother will be jealous that you are in a movie...though, it sounds pretty creepy to me!

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So funny you just bought that sweatshirt. I actually JUST bought practically the same one....although mine is from Steve and Barry's. I uhhh can't wait to see the movie...


9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear god woman, I thought it was ritual paste or something from King Fufu the Great. I always knew you were a movie star but never thought you would debut in a cheap vampire whore movie two steps lower than bollywood. I guess it can't be as bad as Paris Hilton's film debut haha. About that care package: I have little items scattered around the house for you and just haven't packaged it all up and sent it yet. I think you accidentally called me from Cameroon a little while back because I got a phone call from a weird number and it had 5551063 in it so I assume it was you. I couldn't figure out what you were saying. You sounded far away. Let's see. New things here...hmmmm.... I bought really cute versace sunglasses in baby blue. Paris has the same ones or so I've been told. I wonder what that waif will look like when she's 70. Let's see. Other news: Iran is building nuclear missiles and vowing to destory Israel. Should be just enough time for him to slap some plutonium into a nuclear warhead before I land in Tel Aviv next month. Thank god I'll only be there 10 days and I'll have 2 IDF soldiers and 4 bodyguards with me. Last time I was in Bangkok my chauffeur rescued me from a screaming military official in fatigues pointing an AK47 at my bag and my face. This time I travel fully prepared. I will say I am a bit disturbed by the only Hebrew phrase book I could find, which is peppered with such handy translations as; My husband/wife is bleeding heavily, and I've been mugged. I did however find a section called "encounters" that tells me how to say where is the nearest gay club, and other handy phrases like: shall we go somewhere quiter? (ulay nelekh lemakom yoter shaket), and I'm not ready for that! (ani od lo mukhan lezhe!). Oddly enough I bet I will use one of those 3 phrases upon arrival. Well dear keep up the good work, stay out of the palm wine, and I will send your care package within the next couple weeks I promise.


5:20 AM  

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